Forum Discussion

Geoff_R_32204's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 08, 2010

9.4.8 LTM between apache and weblogic server SSL config.

we are trying (from questions brought up during our most recent PCI compilance exercise) to set up the following.



Apache2/WLPlugin <-SSL-> F5 9.4.8LTM <-SSL-> Oracle/BEA Weblogic server 10.0 MP1



after much wailing and gnashing of teeth I have it working as



Apache2/WLPlugin <-SSL-> Oracle/BEA Weblogic server 10.0 MP1



once we plug the F5 in the middle the weblogic plugin cannot communicate with the weblogic server.



the conjecture is that we need to terminate the SSL on the F5 and re-encrypt for the trip to Weblogic Server.



we have never attempted this before and since this is not a critical production issue, I get to try to figure it out. I have almost no knowledge of F5 configuration so would greatly appreciate any pointers! especially if this is or is not possible.





14 Replies

  • Hi,



    I was wondering if you have some kind of similar idea for SSL server profile while having Apache server behind BigIP listening to SSL traffic. I am struggling with that for a weeks.



    Any help will be appreciated.






    I have tried above solution.



    This setup des not work :



    Client (SSL) ---> BigIP (SSL client and server) ---> Apache server (SSL)



    This setup works:



    Client (HTTP) ---> BigIP (SSL server) ---> Apache server (SSL)



    Best regards,




  • Chris_Akker_129's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi Bart, your first config is called SSL decrypt / re-encrypt, and is quite common with big-ip. You will need to use both the Client SSL and Server SSL Profiles on your virtual server.


    There is some good info on how big-ip handles SSL traffic here:



    When you say "does not work", can you clarify - no TCP connection, no/bad ssl handshake, ssl cert error, other ? Have you looked at the traffic with any tools - httpwatch, fiddler, etc ?



  • Chris,



    We are running into same issue. I am using IIS6 as the reverse proxy to WebLogic 9.2. There is F5 Load Balance infront of WebLogic. So IIS6 is configured to use this LoadBalanced url over SSL. Below are the configurations on IIS6:




















    Apart from configuring IIS for SSL configurations, WL-Proxy-SSL parameter is enabled on F5 load Balancer. No Luck with that. I am still getting "no backend server available for connection" error message.



    Any help on this would be much appreciated.


