Forum Discussion

Donster_297784's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 19, 2017

Active/Passive VIP - 2 different DC's

Hey guys,   Just working on a VIP deployment which will see an active passive topology but based across 2 DC's each having their own HA pair. I was thinking about priority groups in terms of havin...
  • Samir_Jha_52506's avatar
    Apr 19, 2017

    Suppose you have 2 group Servers. DC1 Servers & DC2 Server. On Priority Group Activation

    Commom_pool_DC Method: Load Balancing Method & Priority Group Activation (1) Available Member

    1) x.x.x.x:xx Priority 10

    2) x.x.x.y:xx Priority 10 3) x.x.x.y:xx Priority 10

    4) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20 5) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20 6) a.a.a.a:pp Priority 20

    If minimum available member will be lesser then 1 then traffic will move to other DC servers. Assign to VIP.

    Other option to create two VIP with respect to DC. Apply iRule to VIP-1

            when HTTP_REQUEST {
                 if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] == 0 }
                     { HTTP::redirect ""

    Paste if any problem