Forum Discussion

JeffRW's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Nov 22, 2017

Adding a signature

We have a few ASM policies, and when I search for a specific signature (sig id 200100060) I'm not finding it in one of the ASM policies, but I do see the signature in the the other ASM policies.


How do I add the specific signature into the ASM policy that doesn't have it?




1 Reply

  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    This signature ID is one contained in the PHP when selecting Available Systems. If you've already created your policy and you want to add this specific signature only to your policy you need to go to Security - Options - Attack Signatures - Attack Signature Sets. Create a custom one, set as manual and add the signature. In the policy then go to the Learning and Blocking settings area and add the new custom signature set.


    Hope this helps,

