Forum Discussion

Angel_Lopez_116's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 23, 2015

After licensing APM some log_xxxxxx files are created in /var/local/ucs

Hi there,


As the subject says, I've licensed the APM module for testing purpouses. Since the same day I activated the module I've notice that every day, at 04:03, files with the name pattern log_xxxxxx are created in the /var/local/ucs directory. The xxxxxx seem random, as in log_wqxzjg, and the files are UCS files.


I guess that these files are related with some component of the APM module, but I don't know why are created and if I can disable it because the files are created but not rotated and after some days the disk volume mounted in /var gets full and I have to delete them manually.


So, any idea on this? Which component is creating them? are they really UCS files from an APM scheduled process? are they temporary files that aren't deleted?




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