Ansible - Bricking freshly installed vcmp guests with ansible
Hello fellow F5 admins,
currently I try to established a workflow, where new vcmp guests are created and configured with a standard basic config (and even building a HA setup).
The creation part is working, but here begin the problems:
Question: What is the proper way to bootstrap a freshly installed vcmp guests (or appliance), when you are forced to change the default passwords on 1st login, without doing it by hand?
The only solution I found (link below) will lock me out of the system forever.
Long Version:
Freshly installed systems enforce a password change for admin user on 1st access. This password change cannot be accomplished with the standard ansible module "bigip_user". If you try, you will get an error telling you, password has expired and it has to be changed.
I then found an article about the security password policy and how one is supposed to change the password with ansible (
So I gave it a try and the password was changed "a" password, but not the one provided by the playbook variable. Neither GUI nor SSH or REST login will work. I am locked out.
Befor you ask: yes the password in ansible-vault style is correct, because it is used to create the guest on the vcmp hosts.
Here is my playbook:
- name: Test vCMP-Guest
hosts: vcmp_guests
gather_facts: false
f5_api_admin_user: admin
f5_api_admin_password: !vault |
server: "{{ ansible_host }}"
server_port: 443
user: "{{ f5_api_admin_user }}"
password: "{{ f5_api_admin_password }}"
validate_certs: false
transport: rest
- name: Set admin Password
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin"
method: PATCH
body: '{"oldPassword":"admin","password":"{{ f5_api_admin_password }}"}'
body_format: json
validate_certs: false
force_basic_auth: true
user: admin
password: admin
Content-Type: "application/json"
register: result
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Debug
var: result
- name: Try to get system info
- system-info
provider: "{{ bigip_provider }}"
register: output
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Debug
var: output
The Output of the the password reset task look fine to me:
TASK [Debug] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: ~/guest-playbook.yml:47
ok: [test-guest] => {
"result": {
"cache_control": "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate",
"changed": false,
"connection": "close",
"content_length": "330",
"content_security_policy": "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' data: blob:; img-src 'self' data:",
"content_type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
"cookies": {},
"cookies_string": "",
"date": "Fri, 29 Sep 2023 11:48:50 GMT",
"elapsed": 0,
"expires": "-1",
"failed": false,
"json": {
"displayName": "Admin User",
"encryptedPassword": "<removed>",
"generation": 0,
"kind": "shared:authz:users:usersworkerstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 0,
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authz/users/********",
"shell": "/sbin/nologin"
"msg": "OK (330 bytes)",
"pragma": "no-cache",
"redirected": false,
"server": "Jetty(9.2.22.v20170606)",
"status": 200,
"strict_transport_security": "max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains",
"url": "https://<removed>/mgmt/shared/authz/users/********",
"x_content_type_options": "nosniff",
"x_frame_options": "SAMEORIGIN",
"x_xss_protection": "1; mode=block"
The next task, will already fail with a "unauthorized" message. From now on, I cannot access the system any more, and believe me, I tried a lot.
One interesting Thing:
When I don't use a ansible-vault encrypted password and instead set the variable directly to the string, login is possible, BUT only to the GUI. I cannot do rest api calls with this password. When I change the admin password again (from within GUI), I can however use rest api again. When I change it back to the original one, api calls will fail.
There is one difference I noticed in /var/log/audit in the case, when I set the password as clear-text:
User authentication is logged like this and the api request fails:
AUDIT - user admin - RAW: httpd(pam_audit): User=admin tty=(unknown)
After setting a new password within the GUI oder tmsh and running the same api request, audit messaged changed like this and the request is successfull:
[...] AUDIT - user admin - RAW: rest(pam_audit): user=admin(admin)[...]
When I now change the password back to the previous one, api request fails again
[...]AUDIT - user admin - RAW: httpd(pam_audit): User=admin tty=(unknown)[...]
What on earth is going on?
How is one supposed to bootstrap a vcmp guest from ground up without manually interaction for setting passwords and stuff?
Any usefull advice is thoroughly appreciate.
Got it working!
I ran into several strange issues.
- Password handling seems to be not konsisten. For some reason I had da "\n" at the end of my password in the ansible-vault encrypted string. Why? Don't know. It seems, that normal API and GUI login do not care about this trailing "\n", but password changes do.
- After fixing the password and (just for good measugre) adding the Jinja2 filter "trim" to alle my password variables, I ran everything again using the REST endpoint "mgmt/shared/authz/users/admin" with a PATCH leaving the system bricked again.
3. How did I get it to work
- When connecting via SSH as user "root" you are forced to set a new root password.
This password is also set as an admin password, that still has to be changed. Also worth to mention, that javarestd will automaticly restart. - Connect via SSH as user "admin" with root password and set a new admin password. After the password change you get booted out of you ssh session and the return code is 1, so we have to consider this in ansible.
To automate the password changes I write tasks using module ansible.builtin.expect.
This completly renders idempotency useless. Changes in the SSH login flow and/or messages will let the taks fail.- name: Change root password no_log: true ansible.builtin.expect: command: ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no root@"{{ ansible_host }}" timeout: 10 responses: '(.*)Password(.*)': default '(.*)UNIX password:(.*)': default '(.*)New BIG-IP password(.*)': "{{ f5_root_password | trim }}" '(.*)Retype new BIG-IP password(.*)': "{{ f5_root_password | trim }}" '(.*)config(.*)#': exit register: output delegate_to: localhost - name: Debug ansible.builtin.debug: var: output - name: Wait for restjavad to be restarted ansible.builtin.wait_for: timeout: 20 delegate_to: localhost - name: Change admin password no_log: true ansible.builtin.expect: command: ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no "{{ f5_api_admin_user }}"@"{{ ansible_host }}" timeout: 10 responses: '(.*)Password(.*)': "{{ f5_root_password | trim }}" '(.*)UNIX password:(.*)': "{{ f5_root_password | trim }}" '(.*)New BIG-IP password(.*)': "{{ f5_api_admin_password | trim }}" '(.*)Retype new BIG-IP password(.*)': "{{ f5_api_admin_password | trim }}" register: output failed_when: output.rc not in [0, 1] delegate_to: localhost
The hole thing is still really annoying. I don't understand why this has to be resolved like, in times where cloud first, api first, whatever first is key. This should really be done in a different way.