Forum Discussion

Ryan_34424's avatar
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Jun 14, 2017

APM :: EPSEC / OPSWAT :: Dealing with Unsupported Antivirus Applications

How do folks deal with unsupported antivirus applications when requiring passing of this check prior to logging in?


For example, some users have repackaged applications from their ISPs, and it is typically something they either pay for or comes with their subscription. They generally aren't too keen on moving to something else because of that.



I would entertain the idea of a bypass... but EPSEC doesn't even see it.



Removing the troublesome AV suite and enabling/updating Defender would work and get them in... but again, they're generally not too keen on removing something they pay for. And giving the ISP-specific nature of it... I doubt OPSWAT is going to accommodate an update in that regard?


Anyway... Does anybody have any tricks for this in their environment?




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