Forum Discussion

evick27_28312's avatar
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Apr 08, 2014

APM Client Registry Check with wild card?



We have a situation where we need to perform a Windows Registry check for the device name of our EU associates for SSL VPN access. Each device provided will have one of two PC Computer name formats. I'm try to construct the registry check to look for part of the name that needs to be there. Is there a way to use a wild card for this? Here's what I got entered but not working. Each computer will have a name such as "name1-a-pclocal" I'm looking to check for "name1-a" as the rest will vary device to device.


"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName"."ComputerName" >= "name1-a*"?


2 Replies

  • Yes support just responded to me yesterday after testing. They provided;


    "I have found a RFE to improve the Registry Check to support wildcard.


    Bug 437301 - [RFE] Extend Registry Checker engine power


    PD created Bug 437301 to track this issue of Extend Registry Checker engine power(problem)."