Forum Discussion

MDPF5_152674's avatar
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Jul 07, 2016

APM Upgrade 11.5.1 to 11.5.4 advanced customizations

Hi Devcentral Community,   I would like to know if anyone knows what happen when I will upgrade a BIG-IP that have a lot of customizations done on different policies that use Logon pages. Files mo...
  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Jul 07, 2016

    The upgrade script can't know how to merge what is changed between your customizations and the overall changes from the upgrade. So the upgrade takes the approach of simply leaving your customizations as-is. They are not replaced or merged.


    For the most part, you won't really have any problems. Most changes between versions are done to support browser rendering changes and minor things like that. The largest change I can recall is when "select box" functionality was added to the Logon Page, I think that was 11.5.x. Lots of people had customized logon pages and then couldn't use the select box function.