Are there recommended F5 ASMAWAF attack signatures to apply by default for in addition to TOP10OWASP
I have to deploy the ASM/AWAF module on a BIG-IP LTM equipment, for many web applications. I would like to know if there are attack signatures to apply by default on any web application, in addition to the TOP 10 OWASP (, please?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Suricate ,
If you run on TMOS v 15.1.x.x or later
the best way to harden your Policy against OWASP TOP 10 Attack is to rely on OWASP Compliance in AWAF policy
Navigate ( Security >>> overview >>> OWASP compliance )
and use this this Article as a guide for you : you run on TMOS earlier than 15.1.x.x
There are much attack signatures to defend against OWASP , but you have to follow the Article that you have sent in your POST to mitigate each one on OWASP TOP 10.