ASM irule to disable attack signature authorization header with specific value
hello is there an irule to DISABLE ASM attack signature on the Authorization header if value contains "Bearer" but still check attack signature on rest of the payload
Hi f5learner,
Can you try this iRule?
when ASM_REQUEST_DONE { if { [ASM::violation names] contains "VIOLATION_ATTACK_SIGNATURE_DETECTED" && [HTTP::header Authorization] starts_with "Bearer" } { ASM::unblock } }
Trigger ASM iRule Events Mode should be set Normal on the WAF policy.
Note that if the request has any violations other than "attack signature detected", the request will be completely unblocked.
When more than one violation occurs, if "Block" is active in one violation, but not in the other violation, the request_status for ASM::violation_data does not occur individually. It is defined as "block".
A separate control is required for violations that are not in the block. I think, rather than using such an iRule, a simple policy should be preferred.