Forum Discussion

Bob_Smith_10997's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 29, 2010


We are moving some IIS webservers behind 2 F5 Big IP v4.5, Each ASP.NET session is handled by cookie ASP.NET_SessionID, our initial test failed due to what appear to be the response cookie not forwarding, I came across an iRule posted a few years back which I am wondering if it will resolved the issue, I am also not sure it this rule applies to v4.5. I am familiar with setting up pools etcc. on an f5 but green on iRules..sorry, Thanks in advance.





set SessionId [HTTP::cookie ASP.NET_SessionId]


log local0. "Request SessionId is: $SessionId"


if { $SessionId != "" } { persist uie $SessionId }






set SessionId [findstr [HTTP::header Set-Cookie] "ASP.NET_SessionId" 18 24]


log local0. "Response SessionId is: $SessionId"


if { $SessionId != "" }{ persist add uie $SessionId }


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