Forum Discussion

Gavin_Connell-O's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 24, 2013

Authentication access policy for intranet site / APM Module

Hi there,


I've got a requirement for a new APM access policy, so I thought I'd field the question here. Has anyone got experience with the following type of requirements?


I've got an intranet site, the owners of which can't manage authentication at the web server side (for reasons that we won't go into for now...) So, they want the APM to manage it for them.


When a user hits the site/virtual server, they want to APM policy to do the following:


  1. When HTTP request is for a particular URi (for example /secure)
  2. Check for a currently logged in kerberos or NTLM session token in their session.
  3. If there is a kerberos token in the users session, run an AD/LDAP query getting their group memberships, and if they are a member of a particular group, grant them access to the requested resource.
  4. If there isn't a kerberos token, send them to an 'F5 Login page' and request AD auth and group checking before letting them in.
  5. All other Uri requests should just be allowed through. The authentication controls should only be enacted if the configured URLs are requested.

I'm fine with a standard access policy, but I haven't implemented Kerberos/NTLM SSO before. We want to capture the users currently logged on AD credentials and run an AD query on them. Obviously this will only work with domain joined PCs, that's what the second leg of the access policy is there for, to mop up not supported clients/browsers, or external users...


I'd be really keen to hear anyone's similar experiences or ideas. As I build up my design and implementation I'll share it here also. Hopefully we might all be able to learn something together! ;)




Gavin Connell-Otten


26 Replies

  • Hi Kevin - Time constraints have resulted in us approaching professional services for a formal engagement to get to solution in place. Sorry, I should have updated you! Once I've got a solution in place I'll post something here. Maybe it will help someone else :)


  • Thanks a lot for all your help with this question Kevin. We deployed an access policy with the help of F5 professional services from Australia. The end solution relies quite a lot of an iRule to selectively enable/disable the access policy when particular URi's are quested. I've got a basic ACL definied within the irule too. Once a user succsessfully exits the access policy, their APM attribute variables are checked for authorisation purposes. It works really well, and since we had this positive experience I've been able to utilise what I've learned about kerberos SSO to leverage the same framework for three other systems successfully. Loving the APM at the moment ;)


    If anyone has any questions on this ballpark, I'd be only to happy to help/share experiences.



    • Microgag_61404's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Gavin, Would you be able to share on how to configure the "Correct UPN variable" and the "LDAP Query" in detail. Also the irule that are in use. Thanks and Regards
    • f5learn_164388's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Gavin We did a setup very similar to yours for the client side Kerberos part and are seeing some issues which I have documented in the link below. I got a response from a forum member regarding caching. Could you please let us know if this is what you too ran into. Thanks Ski