Forum Discussion

veato's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 23, 2017

Backups Different Size

I have two BIGIP 2000s and when performing a backup this morning the two UCS files have a different file size. Is this normal? From memory I'm pretty sure my active/passive nodes have always has identical sized backups.


Both nodes are running 12.1.2 and I performed a full config sync before taking the backup. Node A's backup was 241895Kb and Node B's was 140679Kb.


2 Replies

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Yes, this is normal. The ucs file is a backup of the local device, which contains data that are sycn'ed across a device sync group and also data that are not part of the sync operation. The user home directory, for an example, is not sync'ed to other devices.


  • UCS does include some things that can differ between the boxes, are you just running LTM or more?


    easiest would be to extract both, they are just tar.gz files, and look what is causing the difference.