Forum Discussion

CaptainJ_148307's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 21, 2014

BIG-IP "Better" and "Best" bundles?

Hi, all!


I have a few questions: 1)I don't understand, whats included in Better and Best bundles? For example SKU F5-BIG-BR-5200V(better version) and F5-BIG-BT-5200V(best version):


2)Is meant: one hardware apllinece platform BIG-IP 5200v with: 32 GB Memory, Max SSL, Max Compression, vCMP(it's equally for better and best bundle); and what include more?


Thanks for answers


4 Replies

  • Can anyone help? I am trying to implement F5 for a University. How do I download the Best bundle? We've been given the 30days trial licence...


    • boneyard's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP
      for a trial license you don't need to worry about good, better, best. just download the software from (this does require an account, but i assume someone has it at your site, else contact who ever provided your that trial).