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rafaelbn_176840's avatar
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Jul 03, 2018

BIG-IP DNS - Design Help

Hello Devs!


I just got my first BIG-IP DNS project and I must say, I'm running out of ideas!


Our environment consists of 2 Windows Servers running DNS. There are almost 50 forward standard zones, including the Active Directory zone, which is dynamic (as in client's laptop receive it's IP from the DHCP server and goes to these 2 windows servers and updates it's forward and reverse resource records).


Our client wants to enhance this DNS resolution with BIG-IP DNS (since they had some bottlenecks in the DNS resolution). The only problem is that they don't want to change the IP address of the DNS. There are more than 5000 servers and they don't want to reconfigure every single one of them with the new IP (which would be the BIG-IP's new listener IP).


At the same time, we can't (at least to my knowledge) make BIG-IP DNS completely replace the windows server because of that dynamic zone.


At first, I thought I could move every zone (except the dynamic) to BIG-IP bind's an use DNS Express. But the problem would still be the dynamic zone.


I thought of DNS Expressing all the zones (this could potentially solve the IP address requirement) but how would BIG-IP DNS handle those dynamic updates? Could it forward it to the windows servers?


Am I missing something here? Any designs options I am missing?


Thanks! Rafael


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