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JMart_143192's avatar
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Oct 17, 2014

BIG-IP does not route traffic from "internal vlan" to "external vlan"



My name is Joaquin, I am working in a lab for a implementation of BIG-IP 2000S LTM, I pass to explain my topology and what is happening.


I will load balance the outgoing traffic to 2 links of internet for example: Link 1: and Link 2:, I added 3 Self-IPs one that points to the Link 1, and the other that points to the Link 2. Then I added 2 nodes one is the and other on a pool (pool_dfg) for the load balance. And also I created an Internal vlan (untaged) that points to a host with his respective self-ip (ex: on interface 1.1 and external vlan (untaged) that points to Link 1 ( int 1.3), and Link 2 ( int 1.4), and a default route that points to the pool pool_dfg of the links!


From the F5, I can ping the interfaces of the routers and it loadbalances the "pings" between one link and the other as I want, and if I connect one host behind the routers I can ping it too, but here is the problem from the host on the Internal VLAN (, I can ping the interfaces of the F5 (self ips, example:, but the pings doesn't pass from the F5, for example If I want to ping the "node Link 1 - router interface" I can't and the same with "node Link 2", the packets never arrive.


I think I am missing some essential thing. If you could help me I will be so greatfull, If you need some information more, don't doubt in ask.


**_First of anything thanks you so much for reading my ask!_**


4 Replies

  • I had not configured the Forwarding Virtual server, now the traffic is passing as I wanted!!


    Thanks you so much for the help! Regards


  • Thanks both of you, I will be analizing the information you give me and then I will feedback, thanks you so mucho for the help!!




  • BIGIP is a default deny device. It will not route or pass traffic between vlans until told to. For the scenario you describe you will need what's called a wildcard virtual server using the pool you configured that contains your links to load balance traffic to the internet. A forwarding virtual server cannot be used because they do not provide load balancing capabilities.


    See here and here for more information.


  • Have you configured a NFVS - network forwarding virtual server?