Forum Discussion

raZorTT's avatar
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Jul 15, 2016

Big-IP Edge Client can I clear the user entered servers?



I have a significant number of users that have been using an IP address as the server they connect to when they initiate a connection with the big-ip edge client. I would like to automatically force their edge client to use our FQDN, but am trying to do it without having to send out instructions on how to do it.


Our connectivity policy originally had "Save Servers on Exit" set to true, so the IP address has been saved in their list. I tried setting it to false in the hope it might reset the list to only inlcude the ones set in the server list, but that didn't work.


I was able to add a branch to the access policy that checked the variable and then redirect them to the correct FQDN, but unfortunately that didn't update the selected server in the edge client, so next time they fired it up it was still defaulting to the IP.


Does anyone have any idea how I might be able to achieve what I want?


Thanks, Simon


2 Replies

  • Hello, i suspect that setting only works if it is disable before they update the list locally. Here is some information on the behavior:



  • Hi


    Was there ever an response or resolution to this ??

