Forum Discussion

Domai's avatar
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May 06, 2016

Block uri iRule review....Pls

Hello I just have a simple requirement ie to allow only certain uri's. I just want to check to see if the below iRule will do the trick and not cause any problems...



if { [class match [HTTP::uri] ne "allowed_uris"] }






And I create a data group called "allow_uri's" with /sales, /reports,/data

Will the above irule block since I did not specify the second part of uri...should I also add "/sales/1quarter/check?" to the data group or just add "/sales/*"

What are pro's and con's using drop vs reject.I know reject sends a notification back saying invalid request.

Thank you.

1 Reply

  • Hello,


    To get the uri part without the query string, you should use HTTP::path instead.


    drop, discard commands cause the client to timeout because nothing is sent to the client.


    reject send a tcp reset to the client.


    When using http/https, I prefer to answer an http error instead of a tcp action.


    And I would recommend to use starts_with or contains instead of ne for the condition in the class match