Forum Discussion

kridsana_52318's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 07, 2017

Can GTM redirect URL using cname?



We need to access from internal user to internet. and we have GTM as DNS server.


Can we create wide-ip name "; and make it resolve CNAME ?


so when user want to access this website, they just type into url and enter. then it redirect user to . ?


Is this can be done? or it need LTM+irule redirect.


Thank you


2 Replies

  • You don't need a Wide IP for this. You can just create a CNAME in ZoneRunner (If GTM is acting as an LDNS for your client requests) pointing to the WIP If GTM isn't the LDNS, just create the CNAME in in the local DNS server for the requesting client


  • Hi MrPlastic


    I've try create that but when I type url in chrome.


    it doesn't redirect to which we expect.


    Why user not redirect to website specific in CNAME record? (In this case is )


    ps I have A record for and cname record name "; cname