Forum Discussion

Nishal_Rai's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Apr 25, 2024

Can iRule be used to perform exception of IPI category based on Geolocation

Hi Everyone,

Can we configure iRule to perform exception on certain IPI category like "Spam Sources" based on Geolocation.

For instance, I want to bypass the mitigation enforced on "Spam Sources" IP intelligence category for "Nepal" -Geolocation specific because of the large false positives on this category.

I found the iRules to enforce the mitigation based on the defined IPI category:

    set ip_reputation_categories [IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]]
    set is_reject 0
    if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Windows Exploits")} {
       set is_reject 1
    if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Web Attacks")} {
       set is_reject 1
    if {($is_reject)} {
        log local0. "Attempted access from malicious IP address [IP::client_addr]
        ($ip_reputation_categories), request was rejected"
        HTTP::respond 200 content 
        "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Rejected Request</TITLE>
        </HEAD><BODY>The request was rejected. <BR> 
        Attempted access from malicious IP address</BODY></HTML>"

3 Replies

  • Interesting one.  Never tried it, but you can give a try using below. Let us know how testing goes. (note - please check the country code again)

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        set ip_reputation_categories [IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]]
        if {([$ip_reputation_categories contains "Spam Sources"]) and ([[whereis [IP::client_addr] country] equals "NP"])} {
    	} else {


    • Nishal_Rai's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

      Hi SanjayP

      Thanks for sharing the iRule, but after few minutes of implementing on the virtual server, the corresponding application stopped working. 
      Since there were no logs generated on Event Logs > Application, to confirm whether the new requests were being blocked as "Spam Sources" and there no entry related to IPI on "/var/log/ltm" so, it was difficult to address the root cause behind the issue.
      (However when the "Block" mode on "Spam Sources" on IPI was configured, the issue was discovered.)

      So just want to confirm, does the request accepted by iRule is not logged by F5 BIG-IP?
      or do we need to add something on iRule to at least flag the request as "illegal" (like just "Alarm" mode) for "Spam Sources" of Nepal geolocation, so that we can troubleshoot.
  • My bad. Else condition is rejecting all traffic. Try below and I would suggest try on non-prod VIP first.


    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        set ip_reputation_categories [IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]]
        if {([$ip_reputation_categories contains "Spam Sources"]) and (!([[whereis [IP::client_addr] country] equals "NP"]))} {
    	log local0. "IP from spam sources block: [IP::client_addr]"
    	} else {