Forum Discussion

DuBang_322065's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 22, 2017

Cannot ping floating IP and active side self IP from client

I've deployed 2 BIGIP VE( Engineering Hotfix HF1) without HA configuration with following IP address

floating IP:
active side self IP:
standby side self IP:

Here's the problem,

  • All loadbalancing are functional, all 3 configured nodes(172.21.61.[11,12,13]) can ping all these self & floating IPs on BIGIP and client, which is not in this range
  • Client can ping VIP and these nodes, but ping to floating IP( and active side( self IP timeout, only standby side self IP( is pingable.
  • I tried failover but still, only current standby self IP(this time is pingable, other 2 IPs result in timeout.

Is it an expected behavior or am I missing some configurations?

  • Could be something to do with the way you have your network set up. I am not sure why the client needs to access the self and floating IP facing the servers though.