Forum Discussion

jblanc03_156148's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 03, 2015

Cant install an image to my HD2 drive in newly deployed ver 11.5.2 VE

I've just deployed a Ver 11.5.2 VE


I have already licensed it and configured a management ip


I am in the Configuration Utility web interface.


I am at the disk management section under system


I see 2 disks HD1 and HD2. Then I went into software management - image list. I have just imported a 10.2.4 iso. When I go to install the image I see both disks available to install but HD2 reads (0.0GB free)!!!!!!


So I went into disk management and I see 20GB free! Hmm? I noticed though that HD2 disk mode is set to None. I cannot change it to Mixed mode . I get the following error: " 01071372:3: Cannot change the mode for logical disk (HD2) from (NONE) to (MIXED). Disks cannot be changed to MIXED or CONTROL modes."


Please help