Forum Discussion

theXfactor82_91's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 09, 2013

Clarification for Traffic-Group Configuration v11.4

I'm in the process of configuring a new Active-Standby HA Pair. I have a single traffic-group setup on my units. My question is...what IPs should be contained within this traffic-group? My existing traffic-group contains the floating self-ip's for my internal and external vlans and two forwarding IP virtuals for management to Backend Servers.


When creating my Virtual Servers for various apps am I supposed to then go under Virtual Address List and select each individual Virtual Server and then proceed to add it to traffic-group-1 (floating)? If the Virtual Servers IP is not a member of this traffic-group-1 when I failover the active unit to standy does the new active unit not pickup the traffic for those Virtuals?


11 Replies

  • Should I be concerned that the inherited-traffic-group statment for /Common is still showing as false?i think it should be okay unless you create subfolder under /Common. anyway, if i were you, i would change it to true. :-)