Forum Discussion

Moinul_Rony's avatar
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Aug 27, 2013

Clickjacking protection with X-Frame options

We have a situation where sites are missing X-Frame Options How can we return a response header with the name X-Frame-Options and the value DENY to prevent framing altogether, or the value SAMEORIGIN to allow framing only by pages on the same origin as the response itselfSecure Cookies


I found the following single line iRule implementation, can you please verify




3 Replies

  • I'd use a replace:

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
       HTTP::header replace X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
  • Hi Kevin ,


    How to test once we have implemented the iRule ?


    thanks and regards Deepak MK


  • Hello Everyone,


    That iRule works, however it means that we have to add it to every VS we have (we have tons of those). is there a better solution? does F5 has a HF for it?