Forum Discussion

zafer's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 14, 2009

Client Certificate authentication




our IIS used Client authentication certificate based.


We want to SSL offload on bigip and support client authentication with bigip



i have two vip and 192.168.1.https


two pool http_pool: and https_pool :



i have two SSL profile, Client and Server SSL profile



imported customer domain certificate, key and CA certificate



here is the Client SSL profile



cert file: customer cert


key file :customer key file


Chain : customer Ca certificate


Trusted Certificate Authorities : customer Ca certificate



Client authentication Section : Request



on the SSL profile ;



cert file: customer cert


key file :customer key file


Chain : customer Ca certificate



Notes: if i dont enable Trusted Certificate Authorities and Client authentication mode require i dont see any error packet does not goes to backend server



with this configuration i can see packet goes to IIS but i see HTTP 403.16 error




regarding irule ; not hits






set cert [SSL::cert 0]


session add ssl [SSL::sessionid] $cert 600







set client_cert [session lookup ssl [SSL::sessionid]]


if { $client_cert eq ""} {




} else {


set whole [X509::whole $client_cert]


log local0. "Inserting client cert in SSL_CLIENT_CERT $whole"


HTTP::header insert SSL_CLIENT_CERT $whole







19 Replies

  • Yes, that's right, so how i can achieve the solution without using the global variables ? please excuse me for my shallow knowledge of irule :-) it's my first encounter with it.



    Cheers !


  • Hi Prashant,



    Basically, to declare a local variable do so with out the :: prefix in the name and not in the RULE_INIT event. Here's a post with details on global versus local variable scope:





  • Zafer,



    Was the issue resolved. We are facing exact same error on LTM 10.0.1. We have IIS real servers behind F5...and as soon as we turn SSL offload on F5 on (with client SSL profile and Server SSL profile) all URIs on the web application that IIS has "client cert based" authentication start throwing the 403.16 error.



    With SSL passthough (no client or Server SSL profile) - SSL being handled by the IIS servers - works perfectly.



    If one of the experts could throw some light on this as well - much appreciated.



    Thank you,


  • Hi Jose,



    If the same client cert/key is working on a browser direct to IIS then it's most likely the LTM server SSL profile configuration that is the problem. Can you print out the actual serverssl profile using 'b profile serverssl PROFILE_NAME list all' or 'tmsh list ltm profile server-ssl PROFILE_NAME all-properties?



    You can change the names of certs, etc to keep it anonymous.



    Also, which LTM version are you testing this on?



  • Nath's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Zafer, This is also my issue. Could you please elaborate your config? On my config I only import the Cert,Key and CA. Do I need to import the domain cert,key and use it to the clientSSL?
  • Nath's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Hi all,


    I am facing the same issue. May I know how do you able to solve this one?



