Forum Discussion

am_gli_287451's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 17, 2018

Concurrent SSL-Sessions & Visibility



a customer just asked a simple question, for which I couldn't find any information on the fly.


"How many concurrent SSL sessions can be handled by an i2600?" (not TPS!)


The TPS values can be found in the datasheet (2.5K RSA-2048), and also the max. L4 connections (14M).


I could only find an FAQ for the 1600/3400 models of a czech vendor, that shows these numbers that I'm looking for. (here)


The numbers for "Max. SSL Concurrent Connections" seem to correlate with the "Max. Concurrent Connections" by a factor of 1:8.


So for an i2600 (14M MCC) this would result in 1.75M MSSLCC. But that's just random guessing based on an unofficial(?) document...


Is there any official evidence or documentation/description for that?


Also, is it possible to monitor the concurrent SSL-connections in Dashboard or in any statistics? Cause I see the normal connections, and the SSL TPS, but not the concurrent SSL connections for the system...


Thanks in advance!


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