Forum Discussion

longnv's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Dec 13, 2012

Config guide

Hi everone,


I working witch Big-ip 3900. I'm starter. I need big-ip config step by step guide. can you share for me?Please!


Thanks you verry much.


13 Replies

  • OK and is the provisioning and installed modules the same on the new device as the one the UCS was taken from? And also does the hostname on the new device match the old because it should (you can change it after).
  • But this error is "" no authorization, access dined"". What is this? and how to troubleshoot this problems?
  • What version are you running. It may be related to device certificates.



    In the first instance I'd recommend you run this command at the CLI to get some more detailed output on the issue: 'tmsh load sys config'