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Nathaneil0227_2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 18, 2016

Configuring APM with poolmember (Experimental)

Hi All/DC Experts,   Have you tried to configure APM with poolmember?   The reason why I am asking this, is that just want users to access f5 and they will load balanced them in different f5 al...
  • shopkeeper56_23's avatar
    Apr 18, 2016

    Should be perfectly possible.


    You could do this by either performing a Pool Assign in the VPE and differentiate who gets which pool based on whatever logic you like. Or if you just want to use a default pool in LTM, you could just leave the end of your access policy without any assignments and it will make a normal load balancing decision if they pass your authentication/checks etc.


    So for your scenario you would have something like....


    F5:1 has Virtual Server with Access policy with AD auth step. If AD auth passes, proceed to default pool which contains Virtual Server IP's from F5:2 and F5:3.


    Alternatively.... F5:1 has Virtual Server with Access policy with AD auth step. AD Query is then performed. If user is member of GroupA, assign Pool containing VS's from F5:2. If user is member of GroupB, assign Pool containing VS's from F5:3.


    This does kind of depend on what your users are actually doing though.