Forum Discussion

Lior_Cohen_2771's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 06, 2017

CPU 100% System Crash

Hi my big ip system crash any time CPU reach 100% is there any way to debug this and find what cause the hight utilization? my system is using irules, HTTP Compression (with CPU Saver), stream profile, web acceleration it always happen when the connection & throughput is Hight


my system is 11.3


2 Replies

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    It seems that you are simply running out of memory: 4GB is the minimum of the amount of memory supported. There should be plenty of warning messages in your /var/log/ltm file at the time of the issue.


  • Hi Lior,


    Performance issues sometimes get very difficult to troubleshoot.


    ==> I see that you tmm memory utilization is quite high. ( Not sure if this is the baseline as per your environment.


    From my past experience i can suggest you to follow below process :


    1. Run the below command before the CPU spike and keep it running until you sees the spike. ctrl + c to stop the command

    while :; do date >> /var/tmp/top.out; top -cbn 1 >> /var/tmp/top.out; sleep 1; done


    1. From the above output file, check the process which is contributing to high CPU spikes.


    2. Check the output of below command :


    tmsh show /sys memory


    to see which process is taking up the highest memory


    ( Usually i prefer uploading the Qkview to ihealth and then checking the output of this command as it is easy to arrange with reference to size )


    1. Once you find the process, try to locate any specific bugs related to that process which could contribute to high cpu usage or memory usage.

    Hope this will help you nail down the issue.