Forum Discussion

ChadBigIP_14663's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 02, 2013

Create Datagroup/iRule to use with Brute Force IP List




How do I setup a Datagroup that has Hundreds & Hundreds of IP's and then create an iRule so


that it uses this list to block traffic on ALL PORTS, it appears that the f5 Data Group Editor


only allows you to enter in 1 IP Address at a time.



Here is the IP Address list that I want to use to be able to setup the Datagroup, then I need


the info of how to use that Datagroup in an iRule to setup blocking traffic on ALL PORTS.



Thank you.


20 Replies

  • How do I get this working, or setup a DataGroup called "bad-domains" - to be able to block domains and reject or deny their access...



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [HTTP::host] equals "" } {


    if { [HTTP::host] equals "" } {


    if { [HTTP::host] equals "" } {


    if { [HTTP::host] equals "" } {


    if { [HTTP::host] equals "" } {


    send a TCP reset





    alternatively, redirect somewhere else


    HTTP::redirect ""







    Would this work to block these? I would rather have the domains in a data group...



    see post below:


  • Would this work too? I setup a DataGroup in the Data Editor under STRING - and put in the individual domains in the STRING column, is this OK?



    Here is the iRule I setup:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [class match [HTTP::host] equals bad-domains] } {









    also, my VIP does not have HTTP PROFILE setup, so it rejected the iRule until I turned on 'http' under HTTP PROFILE - I have never


    used any HTTP PROFILES, so I am concerned that this might cause a latency issue or slow-down by turning this profile on...



    What do I need to setup for just 'http' profile so that I do not see a performance hit when enabling HTTP Profile: http



    Right now my http is set to: 32768 bytes for Maximum Header Size, Pipeling Enabled, LWS Maximum Columns 80



    Compression: Disabled, URI Compression Not configured, Include Text:








    Preferred Method: Gzip


    Minimum Content Length: 1024 bytes


    Compression Buffer Size: 4096 bytes


    gzip Memory Level: 8 kilobytes


    gzip Window size: 16 kilobytes



    CPU Saver: ENABLED


    CPU Saver High Threshold: 90%


    CPU Saver Low Threshold: 75%



    RAM CACHE: Disabled


    Maximum Cache Size: 100 megabytes


    Maximum Entries: 10000


    Maximum Age: 3600 seconds


    Minimum Object Size: 500 bytes


    Maximum Object Size: 50000 bytes


    URI Caching: Not Configured


    Ignore Headers: ALL


    Insert Age Header: Enabled


    Aging Rate: 9



  • I'd suggest you whitelist rather than blacklist, like so;

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
     if { not [class match [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals safe_host_names] } {
      drop }
      Stop processing the iRule for this event here
  • I have too many domains/sub-domains to put in the white-list...



    I just want to block the domains that are coming through as Apache Response 302 - they are trying to find an Open Proxy.



    Is there a Performance hit doing it this way?



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [class match [HTTP::host] equals bad-domains] } {










    Also - enabling HTTP Profile - are there performance hits turning these on as well?


  • Should work fine and shouldn't affect performance I wouldn't of thought. I'd suggest you read up on the HTTP profile, it brings many benefits. Compression is particularly good and works well.
  • Is it ok that I setup the DataGroup 'bad-domains' using the STRING field in the Data Group Editor inside of F5 iRule Editor?


  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
    Posted By ChadBigIP on 01/31/2013 08:23 AM


    Here is another question:



    In my Apache logs, I am seeing these:


  - - [31/Jan/2013:11:12:27 -0500] "GET HTTP/1.0" 302 219 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95)"



    The initial GET should be originating from my server like: GET "/dr1/home/index.html" 200 864 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95)"



    The initial GET is an EXTERNAL domain...which is BAD. But all responses from Apache are 302 (Redirect).



    I think they are trying to use my server as a Proxy - but they are getting the response 302 from Apache.



    Is there a way to create an iRule to prevent these from even hitting the webservers and DROP or REJECT directly from the iRule?



    Maybe take the domain and put it into the iRule and if it is present, then DROP or REJECT?



    I would like to just block the IP, but as you can see from this URL: - there


    are hundreds of IP's that are in the 142.X.XXX.XXX network, that is why if the iRule could look at the GET request domain - maybe


    this would just deny the requests and take care of the hundreds of IP's that are trying this redirect exploit....





    Is your domain, or did a 3rd party configure their A-record with your IP-address? If the latter is the case, couldn't you simply create a whitelist for the hosts that are allowed?


    Also, it sounds like there will be a constant feed of new IP-addresses you want to add to the blacklist. If that's the case you may want to tap into a service that provides updates with known bad IP-addresses. Quite possibly this is something the ASM-module can handle.


    Lastly, keep in mind that every time you save a class (Data Group) it becomes temporarily unavailable. Unfortunately, I (and others) haven't gotten much traction with F5 on this issue.



  • no this domain ( is not my domain at all...I checked thier A record and their IP is not pointing to mine at all....


    Do you know of a way to block these GET requests?



  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    You can check the host (HTTP::host) and block requests that contain it. However, in my experience it's better to create a whitelist and include all domains your organization actually hosts.