Forum Discussion

MR_Freddy_31338's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 09, 2018

Custom monitor using logical operators

We have a pool "xxx" and I need to create custom monitor to monitor this pool as the following


"Gateway_ICMP_Monitor" && "TCP_Monitor" && minimum of ("HTTP1_Monitor" && "HTTP2_Monitor")


Can you guide me to customize this monitor?


4 Replies

  • Via GUI you can add multiple monitors to the pool, working like an "and". You can then define how many of those monitors need to be up at minimum, so the system marks the pool member up.


    Looking your requirements, if an HTTP monitor is up, implies that you can talk with the server, so Gateway_ICMP_Monitor is redundant here. Similar thing in relation to TCP_Monitor, HTTP work on top of TCP, so this monitor is also redundant.


    Assuming the HTTP monitors are different, you can add both to the pools. If you need both up, select availability for all. If you need just one of them up, select availability 1.