Forum Discussion

amolari's avatar
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Jan 11, 2007

Customized page - how to deal with wrong logon

We have setup a customized portal (on a landing uri). It works fine until


the user enters wrong credentials: the user sees then the default Firepass


page (my.logon.php3) and it doesn't come back to this customized page.


How to :


- let the user redirected to the customized login page


- let the error message (for ex. authentication failed) be displayed on


the customized page as it does on a standard logon page.







11 Replies

  • How can I grab logon error messages and display them on my own page? I don't want the user to see the my.login.php3 login box.



    I would like to either:


    (a) have the error messages available to my index.htm page, which has its own user and password boxes and posts to my.login.php3 or


    (b) have the logon error messages passed to a different page that I can define where I can display them and then provide a link back to my index.htm file for logon retry.



    Or if there is a better way I'm open to suggestions.