Forum Discussion

Anzine321's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Mar 28, 2023

disable http retry

hi expert

i want to disable http retry by using irule,  what is irule to do this ?


  • JRahm's avatar
    Apr 05, 2023

    Hi Anzine321, IIRC, that is the normal browser behavior to try three times. If that arrives client-side and if the pool member is not marked down it will forward those requests server-side, so yeah, if you are not monitoring, this is why you are seeing this behavior.

7 Replies

    • Anzine321's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      when client hit 1 time and f5 sends the same hit request 3 times to the server, the team application told to me, is it possible because we dont have check monitor and at the same time when server is not responsive and send 5xx and f5 re send to server ?

  • Hi Anzine321, could you give me a little more details on what you mean by disabling http retry? Any additional details or behaviors you're seeing and want to avoid, with clientside and/or serverside context, would be helpful.

    • Anzine321's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      JRahm - when client hit 1 time and f5 sends the same hit request 3 times to the server, the team application told to me, is it possible because we dont have check monitor and at the same time when server is not responsive and send 5xx and f5 re send to server ?

      (edited to add the tag. - Leslie)

      • JRahm's avatar
        Icon for Admin rankAdmin

        Hi Anzine321, IIRC, that is the normal browser behavior to try three times. If that arrives client-side and if the pool member is not marked down it will forward those requests server-side, so yeah, if you are not monitoring, this is why you are seeing this behavior.

  • Thanks for sharing the information with us. But I still want to know what happens by doing this as I am not getting this.

    (Admin note: SEO spam removed, user banned, post left up because it had a reply)

    • Anzine321's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      the application team told when this occured an got double transaction, for example when the request coming at 12.00 and 12.05 got the same request,  is it possible when server not available but not down at the moment and respond to f5 5xx and f5 retry resend to the server ?