Forum Discussion

Itamar_39103's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 21, 2009

disable virtual server if active members less than x

Hi all,



I am configuring a GTM machine to load balance DNS requests between virtual servers running on viprion machines.



One of the requirements of the configuration needs to be that the GTM will not issue DNS replies with IP addresses of Virtual servers that hold less than x number of nodes.



I figure that I need to create an irule on the Viprion that will monitor active_members of the pool and disable the pool once the minimum is breached.


Or can I do this on the Virtual Server level?



Could you good people give me a nudge in the right direction?






13 Replies

  • Hi Itamar,


    Even w/o the irule if you have the LTM listed as a server in the GTM the virtual will fail and stop DNS resolution once all the members of the pool are down. Clients who are already connected will remain connected until they are disconnected.



    What i am trying to get at is if LTM is already added to the GTM, the LTM will communicate to the GTM that the virtual failed w/o the need for an irule or a special health check - that is ofcourse of you want the VS to fail when ALL members fail.








  • This is amazing, a bit of tweaking to my particular scenario works a treat - thanks very much!


    • MSK_222682's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi All, I also have a similar kind of requirement and I have posted my query, scenario at, Can you please look into this and recommend the correct iRule and GTM settings as I'm new to F5 world. Br, MSK