Forum Discussion

munoz6_64891's avatar
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Sep 24, 2014

DNS issues while on Firepass

Hi, We are having an issue with clients connecting to the firepass and registering with DNS. Once on the vpn the client does not have any issues accessing internal or external recourse via fqdn or anything like that but.... If you do an nslookup or ping by hostname it returns the ip address of the users local network with a no response. For instance, if I ping my computer by hostname it returns 192.168.1.x but my vpn address is 10.61.26.x. We do quite a few things such as push software, maintain local admin passwords, auditing etc via hostname and none of that works while users are on firepass because of this issue. We have lots of users that work 100% of the time on vpn. I'm hoping this is just a simple client side issue but at this point I'm pretty stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks


2 Replies

  • That looks to be already set like that. Basically what I am asking is how do we get the vpn adapter to register with dns rather that the local wireless or wan adapter?


  • You mean that you want firepass to automatically register user IP addres to dns service ?


    i'm not a Firepass expert but i don't see it 7.0 documentation.


    the relevant option in APM is "Register this connection's addresses in DNS" from the network acces/DNS host menu