Forum Discussion

tom-servo's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 03, 2024

Enabling Package Management in v12 Removed iApps AWS Item

So I'm working in an old lab environment (v12) that isn't currently being used, and under the iApps menu, there was an AWS option listed but Package Management was missing. From the AS3 documentation...
  • Lucas_Thompson's avatar
    Jan 05, 2024

    That does seem strange! I checked older versions and indeed there is some special logic in the GUI to turn on this AWS menu option only if: a) the ILX subsystem is hidden (with that touch command you mentioned) AND the platform type is "Z100" (virtual) AND the current user is full admin. I'm assuming it was written this way so people wouldn't have to use that "touch" command to see AWS in the GUI and that if they did, they could replace the built-in AWS ILX package with a new version if needed because it was early-access/beta back then. The AWS support has been updated several times as there have been updates to various APIs and security issues.

    A warning about those old versions: There are a lot of GUI/API vulnerabilities in BIG-IP versions that even a naive internal attacker could exploit as a jump-off point for further attacks.