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Florent_Thieba1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 27, 2013

Error message in log - CMP persist message



I can't figure where this error is coming from and how i could prevent it to occur, this is a sample:


In the file /var/log/ltm


Feb 27 15:55:28 local/tmm1 err tmm1[4769]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4530 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:55:28 local/tmm err tmm[4768]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4978 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:55:43 local/tmm err tmm[4768]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4830 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:55:43 local/tmm err tmm[4768]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4590 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:55:43 local/tmm err tmm[4768]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 5110 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:55:45 local/tmm1 err tmm1[4769]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4590 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:55:49 local/tmm1 err tmm1[4769]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4590 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:55:54 local/tmm err tmm[4768]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4542 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:56:06 local/tmm1 err tmm1[4769]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4686 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:56:12 local/tmm1 err tmm1[4769]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4686 exceeds maximum length 4096


Feb 27 15:56:12 local/tmm err tmm[4768]: 01010206:3: CMP persist message: persist data size 4686 exceeds maximum length 4096



This is a small sample, you can see with the timestamp this occurs very often (French time).


I have no idea where to start digging to solve this problem.



I checked every irule I have to see if this is a normal behaviour (this log could be triggered on purposed by one of the person who worked on it, but i didn't find anything like that).



If you have any idea..





17 Replies

  • I indeed use this, for the exchange 2010 VIP:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    switch -glob [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] {


    "MSRPC" {


    if { [HTTP::cookie exists "OutlookSession"] } {


    persist uie [HTTP::header "OutlookSession"] 3600


    } else {


    persist uie [HTTP::header "Authorization"] 3600






    "*Microsoft Office*" {


    persist uie [HTTP::header "Authorization"] 3600




    default {


    persist source_addr









    This is the default template recommended i used to set the VIP.
  • is it possible that those headers are bigger than 4096 bytes?
  • It seems a lot !


    I dunno, i have to check this, do I have any way to see it directly from production ?


    I'll check the microsoft documentation.
  • I dunno, i have to check this, do I have any way to see it directly from production ? off the top of my head is to either run tcpdump or use irule for logging.
  • Hi, it took me some time but i finally did it...


    I logged the error like this:




    rule Exchange_2010__oaPersistIRule {


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    switch -glob [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] {


    "MSRPC" {


    if { [HTTP::cookie exists "OutlookSession"] } {


    log local0. "HTTP::header OutlookSession is [string length [HTTP::header "OutlookSession"] ]"


    persist uie [HTTP::header "OutlookSession"] 3600


    } else {


    log local0. "HTTP::header Authorization is [string length [HTTP::header "Authorization"]]"


    persist uie [HTTP::header "Authorization"] 3600






    "*Microsoft Office*" {


    log local0. "HTTP::header Authorization is [string length [HTTP::header "Authorization"] ]"


    persist uie [HTTP::header "Authorization"] 3600




    default {


    persist source_addr










    I sent the qkview to the support and now wait for an answer



  • Hi,



    I finally get an answer from the support.


    Here is the answer:





    The error log is caused by the oversize string which used as uie key. exceed the max length defined internal by bigip.




    persist uie [HTTP::header "Authorization"] 3600


    Problem here is that HTTP Request Authorization header is too long = 4386


    The workaround is to reduce the size of that header. For example you might want to use its md5sum.


    persist uie [md5 [HTTP::header "Authorization"] ] 3600


    that will reduce the size of the data used as key.



    I tried tu put it and it seems to be ok now !


    I will keep the ticket open at least until the end of the day to see if this is not impacting other things.