F5 APM Oauth2.0 access policy not working for JWT token
Hi Team,
I am trying to create F5 APM policy for Oauth2.0. Creating two access profile, one is F5 apm authorization server and other one is F5 apm Client application.
I am getting below error
Local Time2024-05-13 06:55:09Log Message/Common/outh2_Client:Common:a08caa4a:/Common/outh2_Client_act_oauth_scope_ag: OAuth Scope: failed for jwt-provider-list '/Common/jwt_provider' , error: None of the configured JWK keys match the received JWT token, JWT Header: ewogICJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsCiAgImtpZCI6IjAwMSIsCiAgInR5cCI6IkpXVCIKfQ Can you help
I also no sure what will be in "JWT Refresh Token Encryption Secret" in Oauth profile
BIG-IP APM Objects:
JSON Web Token - Key configuration
JSON Web Token - Token Configuration
JSON Web Token Provider
OAuth Authorization server- Scope, Claim, client application, resource server, oauth profile
Federation : OAuth Client / Resource Server : OAuth Server, provider