Forum Discussion

onlineops's avatar
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May 24, 2018

F5 Big-IP-LTM GeoIP data source

Anyone know what the source is of the geo-ip data that is provided by F5 Networks? Industry standard seems to be maxmind - Maxmind is no longer providing an open-use Geo-IP database and is adopting a paid-model for enterprise. Will this impact F5's Geo-IP data updates?


If they are already using the paid model and updates will continue, that'd be perfect..


2 Replies

  • Hi,


    you have all info in the following link:


    Reporting database inaccuracies


    If installing the latest geolocation database updates does not correct the database inaccuracies, and you have specific questions about the content of the geolocation data, contact Digital Element directly using the following email address:


