Forum Discussion

Ronnie_p's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 20, 2023

F5 client VPN with BIP IP edge client

Good day all, 

i am new in the F5 space, may you please assist. I am using BIG-IP Edge client, i can connect succesfully on the VPN however i cannot ping one ip range but i can ping all other ip ranges on my LAN network when connected. i checked on the firewall all policy and routing are correct. As i can ping the same range from the F5 CLI but not from the F5 VPN client. I there a place on the F5 i should  add the route?




2 Replies

  • Ronnie_p Can you please provide a topology so we can better understand where the subnet resides? To me it sounds like the subnet is missing from the encryption domain which is why you can reach it from the F5 but not the VPN client. It could also be a missing firewall rule that allows the VPN client subnet to reach the subnet in question.

    • Ronnie_p's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thank you so much, please find atttached topology,