Forum Discussion

Brian_Saunders1's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 19, 2014

GTM LTM Integration Discovery With Pre-Existing GTM Server Entries

Hello all,


I'd like to integrate our GTMs with our LTMs for better Virtual Server awareness without having to add a ton of firewall rules for health checking. The bulk of our GTM server entries were created as generic hosts and wanted to know if there were any issues of adding the LTM to the GTM with virtual discovery enabled and having duplicate entries (pre-existing generic servers and the newly discovered LTM servers)? Would it be better to turn discovery off and add the entries to the LTM after it's added to the GTM going forward?






3 Replies

  • Since your GTM pools are already defined and reference existing GTM server objects (generic hosts), turning on virtual server discovery on your LTM servers should not impact anything existing.


  • I can add the LTM and the GTM will discover all the Virtual Servers configured on the LTM. What I am concerned about is having duplicate server entries - the generic hosts previously configured and the newly discovered virtual servers from the LTM and if that will impact existing GTM wide ip's utilizing those generic hosts.


  • Whether or not you are able to use virtual server discovery depends on your setup. Take a look at this and see if it applies to your scenario. It might make your decision for you:



    Manually populating the virtual server list on the LTM is still a better option than defining GTM servers for each LTM virtual server and running a health check to each one.