Forum Discussion

Jnon's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 21, 2017

GTM with gtm servers, needs https monitor to a vip, not configured in the WIP

I have a GTM WIP that is being monitored by iQuery, to the LTM vips. Those VS's are shared by multiple apps, so I can't create a depends-on for the VS for a second monitor, so we need to have a GTM https monitor check status of a monitor page, on IP's not included in the GTM pool.


Currently it's like this:


WIP 1 resolves to; VIP 1 or VIP2


VIP 1 and VIP 2 load balance to devices that will pass the traffic to WIP 2 which resolves to VIP 3 or VIP 4.


I need to be able to keep VIP 3 and 4 up if the LTM monitors are passing health check. But need to take it out of WIP1 gtm pool, if a second monitor to the pool members behind VIP 3 and 4 is down.


Multiple apps use the same VS's in WIP 1, so I can't use a depends-on monitor vip, to control it.


VIPS 3 & 4 would have a different monitor page than what the GTM would be checking, so the GTM could be have the site down, but the LTM virtuals could still be up.


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