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Jan 22, 2018

Header persistence from client

I'm working on an iRule to look at the POST header from a client to look at "jsessionid" and add a 10 minute persistence timer. I created the universal profile and the iRule, but the F5 is only sending data to 1 server.


*when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::header exists "jsessionid"]} { persist uie {persist_600}} *


16 Replies

  • Jeff_Maddox_394's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    ok, so the SessionID value is set in the original POST? Then is that header sent in every subsequent HTTP request?


  • No dice on that iRule either. The issue is the uie profile doesn't have a sticky persistence, only idle. How do I add persistence once the iRule sees the header? There is no cookie involved in this session from the above responses.


  • Jeff_Maddox_394's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I go the following rule to work. It times out after 10 seconds, which is the value I used to test: I sent curl commands with 2 different values for the header and it created 2 different persist records.


    when HTTP_REQUEST { set hVal [HTTP::header value "SessionId"] if { $hVal ne "" } { persist uie $hVal 10 } }


    root@(localhost)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show ltm persistence persist-records all-properties Sys::Persistent Connections


    universal - -

    TMM 1


    Mode universal


    Value 45345dddd


    Age (sec.) 3


    Virtual Name /Common/test


    Virtual Addr


    Node Addr


    Pool Name /Common/dvwa-secure


    Client Addr


    Owner entry


    universal - -

    TMM 0


    Mode universal


    Value 12345


    Age (sec.) 4


    Virtual Name /Common/test


    Virtual Addr


    Node Addr


    Pool Name /Common/dvwa-secure


    Client Addr


    Owner entry


    Total records returned: 2


  • This is the Cisco ACE configuration I've been attempting to replicate. While I can see the persistence record, I still get traffic with the same header go to a different server.


    sticky http-header SessionID http-session-id serverfarm dp-serverfarm timeout 35


    My current iRule:


    when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { [HTTP::header exists SessionID] } { persist on the server persist add uie [HTTP::header value SessionID] } } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::header exists SessionID] } { Back to the server persist uie [HTTP::header value SessionID] } }


  • Jeff_Maddox_394's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    OK, if the persist entry is being made, but requests still going to different servers, take a look at this: It explains how the LB and persist work together. You will need oneconnect OR a LB::detach statement, as explained in the KB article.