Health monitor question
We have a user who is seeing this message very frequently in their logs from the F5 statis self IP.
10.192.10.XXX - - [04/Dec/2023:15:56:36 -0600] "GET / " 404 682
All our nodes are reporting as up, but when you use "wget https://node:8443" or go to the node directly using https://node:8443/, it always returns a 404. The only way it doesn't is if you use https://node:8443/bc.
How are our nodes up if the result is always 404?
Is there something different I need to do besides the base https_8443 health monitor?
A base HTTP(s) monitor will send a " GET / " to the service port of the pool memember, but does NOT have any recieve string. ANY response from a server 200/301/404 etc.... is a response to the monitor, and hence the node is marked up.
in creating a new monitor based off the https monitor, you can keep the default settings and change the recv string to HTTP/1\.(0|1) (2|3) <---- that will allow only 200 and 300 errors and 400/500 errors will be marked as node down. This is a great step in the right direction of providing better quality of service. It will also in the long run will have you learning all the 400/500 error codes and what they mean as you debug why the pool member is down.