Forum Discussion

Whoaa_aaa_14293's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2014

High and low bits of 64-bit long and C#

Hi, what is the best way to take the high and low bits provided through iControl and create a 'long' in C from them?   I am currently using:   long wut = (ssl.statistics[0].value.high << 32) | ...
  • mhite_60883's avatar
    Feb 26, 2014

    I can't help you with C, but maybe you'll be able to convert this. Here's how I do it in Python:

    def convert_to_64_bit(high, low):
        """ Converts two 32 bit signed integers to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
        if high < 0:
            high = high + (1 << 32)
        if low < 0:
            low = low + (1 << 32)
        value = long((high << 32) | low)
        assert(value >= 0)
        return value