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gitler_162652's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 02, 2014

Hight Avilability on tcp/ip level using f5 product

Hi we are the company that selling application to our customers


i'm currently trying to identify if we can use your product to organise a HA on tcp/ip level but didn't find any documentation saying that this possible


can you help me out with that ? typical usage for us is when a lot of devices need to connect to some service and we want to make this service always rechable and balance load between backends that provide this service on some specific port


  • when a lot of devices need to connect to some service and we want to make this service always rechable and balance load between backends that provide this service on some specific port


    have you checked about local traffic manager (ltm) module?


    • gitler_162652's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      yes i did but in datasheet information about this is not very clear features: "· Application protocol support (TCP, HTTP, SPDY, SSL, SIP, FIX, MS SQL, etc.)" it saying like it supporting some specific application or services.
  • when a lot of devices need to connect to some service and we want to make this service always rechable and balance load between backends that provide this service on some specific port


    have you checked about local traffic manager (ltm) module?


    • gitler_162652's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      yes i did but in datasheet information about this is not very clear features: "· Application protocol support (TCP, HTTP, SPDY, SSL, SIP, FIX, MS SQL, etc.)" it saying like it supporting some specific application or services.
  • If I may add, the BIG-IP is a network proxy device. Like a router or a switch, it plugs into TCP/IP networks, but unlike a switch or router is highly intelligent at OSI layers 4 through 7. The protocols that you mention are simply the ones that BIG-IP is "smarter" about than others. It is agnostic to any other protocols and can handle any TCP or UDP traffic.


  • it supports TCP, however it is not functioning well with voice or video traffic


    I don't believe that's true. BIG-IPs are used in major telcoms for SIP and other audio/video traffic.