Forum Discussion

David_Bradley_2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 27, 2007

How do I create a passive health monitor?

Can someone point me to documentation (or an example) on writing a passive health monitor into my iRule? Thanks in advance.




12 Replies

  • Actually, there is a new command in 9.4.x called LB::down. Basically, when it is called, it forces LTM to mark the node down and schedule an immediate health check using the assigned monitor. LB::down does NOT force re-loadbalancing itself - if you want to repeat your request and force another LB decision after calling LB::down, you can issue HTTP::retry.


    Here is an example:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    set request [HTTP::request]




    when HTTP_RESPONSE {


    if { [HTTP::status] >= 500 } {




    HTTP::retry $request







  • Any updates from the support request vaniello? Over a year later and there is some misleading information here from my attempts. I'm new to this and perhaps don't know the method.






    If the health monitor still thinks the member is available, it seems things aren't going to go well.


    Is there a way to makr the node as down faster than waiting for the health monitor cycle to do it?



    the LB::down marks it down, true, but it isn't a health monitor down, it is a irule down. So then the question is how does that member become available again?



    LB::down doesn't seem to keep the member from being reselected with a LB::reselect if there is 'cookie insert' (or probably other) persistence set. It will continue to reselect this same, failed member.



    LB::detach does not appear to clear the persistence either. using that with a LB::reselect results in selecting the same member. the LB::detach doesn't help.



    Looking for a code sample where another member is selected and the persistent cookie is updated to this new member if the 'assigned' member is no longer available.