Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Jun 21, 2018

how to create Monitor when website always redirect to SSO login page first?



I've question about website which using single sign-on authentication server.


When we try to monitor front page of website. It's alway redirect us (304) to login page which using single sign-on.


How we create monitor to resolve this? Did username/password in HTTP monitor can do the job?


Or we need to create custom monitor?


Thank you


2 Replies

  • As youssef mentioned, you could talk to the application owner and figure out what is a correct page to use in your health monitor or even see if the 304 redirect signals that the application is working correctly.


  • did you try to exchange with application owner? maybe it can give you a specific URI or set an exception for you to avoid redirection...