Forum Discussion

techy_90912's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 05, 2008

How to redirect URI to lower case

can someone please help me how to replace all the URI to lower case.



for e,g..if i hit>

3 Replies

  • Hi Aaron,


    Syntax seems wrong.. both if & Redirect statement


    if (!(tolower(http_uri)==http_uri)){ redirect to "http://" + http_host + (tolower(http_uri)) }
  • I had a misplaced parentheses in the example. But it's possible there are other syntax errors--I don't have a 4.6 BIG-IP to test on. You could check the manuals on or search the forums for examples. If you get stuck, reply here and I can do some searching.


