Forum Discussion

raZorTT's avatar
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Mar 06, 2020

How to trigger an OAuth discover using TMSH or REST API?

Hi all,


I was just wondering how to trigger the discover process of an OAuth provider via TMSH or the REST API.


I see a pull-config option in tmsh, but it doesn't appear to do anything?!?


modify apm aaa oauth-provider provider_test pull-config


Can anyone help?




  • Just wanted to post the solution I found

    After creating the OAuth provider, you can create the OIDC discover config

    create mgmt tm access oidc discover providerName mytest_provider

2 Replies

  • Hi, did you ever find a solution for doing this with REST API?


  • Just wanted to post the solution I found

    After creating the OAuth provider, you can create the OIDC discover config

    create mgmt tm access oidc discover providerName mytest_provider